Adult Only Minecraft


While the subject matter of the Adults Only Minecraft channel is not strictly for adults, it does bring a unique adult perspective to a world made up of predominately children, teens, and very young adults. We do how-to videos, tips and tricks, podcasts, let's play videos, documentaries, server tours, and video shorts that focus only on Minecraft. We promise you'll like what you see. If you don't, just keep it to yourself.

Adults Only Minecraft supports suicide prevention. Please consider donating to Adult Minecrafters for Suicide Prevention which benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Wanna be a patron of the arts? You can help us pay for server fees, equipment upgrades, and Pop-Tarts by supporting us on Patreon.

Adults Only Minecraft is also on Discord! To join the conversation, send a request using the Contact Us form to the right.

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